Skirts and Giggles

6 things that make me happy by brookalviano


Ok, I decided to this thanks to the lovely Lolaberry Clementine   (and you can check out what makes her happy) spread the love.

6 things that make me happy;

Discovery Channel Commercial – I will stop everything I am doing and watch this, and I am learning the lyrics. It brings me too much joy.

Fabric Stores – My friends have witnessed this; its like a kid in Toys’R’Us, a nerd in a comic book shop, a boozer at a wine tasting. I am everywhere, touching, rubbing, oohing, aahing, wishing I had funding. $75/yard cashmere? I’m rolling in it like a puppy. And stores that actually give you a swatch? Priceless.



ANTM audition epsiodes – every season. I sometimes put these on for background noise when I’m sewing, I find them so entertaining, I’ll watch every season except that season 1 & 2 DIDN’T SHOW THEM!!! They hadn’t figured out that this was the BEST part of the show. Girls from all over who were either 1) so damn cocky about themselves and thought they were the shizzle. or 2) the quirky weird ones who have no idea why they are there. Can you guess which ones I enjoy more?

country girl who had it going on!!!

Kahlen - country girl who had the poses AND the walk

Heather - the "weird girl" that was possibly one of the best to photograph

Heather - the "weird girl" that was possibly one of the best to photograph

Lauren - Zombie freak, "punk", Sarah Polley's cousin - and drop-dead freakin gorgeous

Lauren - Zombie freak, "punk", Sarah Polley lookalike and drop-dead freakin gorgeous

 Spooning – I love being the little spoon or the big spoon. In the winter spooning is key to survival. Find someone you love and trust and spoon ’til April!



Chocolate covered cherries – Darling, you present these to me at, any day, any time  – I will giggle like a school girl, and then drown myself in them.

I'm licking this computer screen right now....

I'm licking this computer screen right now....

Figuring out my New Years outfit 2 days ahead of time – This brings me so much joy, and the fact that I MADE it, makes the party so much better. Want a pic? Nope, not yet – the sequined hood is not finished yet…you heard me.

New Years of the past - I turn on the rock star - watch out world!

New Years of the past - I turn on the rock star - watch out world!

And so now that that’s done, I tag the following:





Toronto Street Fashion

cause you’re all fab
