Skirts and Giggles

Red is Best by Alison
April 7, 2009, 12:26 am
Filed under: Objets prisés | Tags: , , , , , , ,

You wouldn’t know it from the weather today, but spring is in the air, and in our part of the world, that means a shit-ton of rain. Which means I want to brag about my spanking new rain boots!

I was tempted by plenty of cute floral designs that didn’t fit me properly before I found these lovelies, which seem to have sprung fully formed from the pages of one of my favourite picture books.

These boots are from Canadian company Kamik, who make a wide variety of boots for all types of weather. Usually, rain boots are tricky because they have no internal support and they rarely fit my heels properly so I end up with terrible blisters and stressed out arches. But these (the Ellie model, if you’re wondering) fit perfectly and are so comfortable that I’ve taken to wearing them even on sunny days “because I heard it might rain later.”

In short, in the wise words of a children’s book: “My red boots take bigger steps. I like my red boots best.”

Drowning in Hair Goop: At long last, love by Alison
March 16, 2009, 8:26 pm
Filed under: Drowning in Hair Goop | Tags: , , , , , ,

Gentle readers, I realize I’ve been lax with posting for the past couple of months. Fortunately, the very capable Brook has been picking up my slack with her hilarious Project Runway Canada recaps (I’m pulling for Sunny too). Here’s why I haven’t been complaining about hair products lately – I’ve found one that I love even more than that KMS CurlUp that I raved about last time. What can I say, I am a fickle soul with a fickle cuticle.

So what it this miracle product that is the new love of my hair’s life? AG Re:Coil, another salon purchase. Normally these salon purchases end in heartbreak, but Re:Coil has proven itself a hair product to bring home to mom. My hair has been singing all kinds of sappy love ballads, and the Re:Coil just keeps on treating my hair right.

Re:Coil does it all: it defrizzes, it shines, it holds, but not too tight. My hair feels controlled, but doesn’t look overly styled or crunchy. The texture is substantial, but not gluey; silky without being slimy. My hair still looks good the day after I wash it. It smells pleasant, but not overpowering. And as a nice patriotic bonus, AG is a Canadian company.

My hair is in love.

Scents and Sensibility: Yet another perfume by a lady named Annick by Alison

According to this perfume blog that sounds like she knows a hell of a lot more about smelly stuff than me, Grand Amour was composed not by but for Annick Goutal by the house’s expert nose Isabelle Doyen. It was apparently inspired by the passion Goutal had for her cello-playing husband, and if that is the case, then Doyen did a wonderful job and the perfume is aptly named: as cheesy as it sounds, Grand Amour smells like being in love.

No, that’s not quite right. There’s something addictive about this scent. It starts off far too heady and floral – on initial whiff I thought, “Oh good lord, that’s not for me.” But I gave it a shot and within 15 minutes it really calmed down and warmed up on my skin. At first the hyacinth is really overwhelming, but if you give it a few minutes, the honeysuckle comes out and suddenly your nose is buried permanently in your wrist.

There’s a lot going on in this perfume. It’s undeniably sophisticated, but there is something so comforting about it at the same time. For me, I think that’s the honeysuckle – I grew up with a honeysuckle bush in my backyard and I spent many a summer hour with my face wedged into that bush.

This is the perfume that Selden would have bought Lily Bart if Edith Wharton hadn’t been making a point about society.

Tag, I’m It: Six Things by Alison
January 2, 2009, 5:58 am
Filed under: Listed | Tags: , , , ,

What better way to kick off the new year than by listing six things that make me happy? Lolaberry Clementine tagged me and Brook last week, and now we have to make these lists. That’s what the internet means.

Six Things That Make Me Happy
1. New Year’s Day

After my birthday and that first day in the spring when you can finally wear sneakers after a winter of boots and your feet feel so much lighter, New Year’s Day is my favourite day of the year. There’s no pressure on New Year’s Day. You can just sit around and nurse your hangover and you don’t have to feel guilty because you still have a whole year ahead to be productive. And if you do happen to leave the house and walk around, it’s nice because everyone is in the same headspace, nursing their hangovers and thinking about the fresh promise of the new year.

2. Pie
I know I raved about Charlotte Charles’ sweet outfits on the now cancelled Pushing Daisies, but it was really the show’s unabashed celebration of my favourite dessert that won my heart. I love every kind of pie: cream pie, fruit pie, sugar pie, crumble, even a nice meat pie. In Toronto, I have two favourite places to get pie. The hands down winner is Madeleines, Cherry Pie, and Ice Cream, which I am lucky to call my neighbourhood pie shop. (They also make really great cocoa. And root beer floats!) The other great Toronto pie shop is Wanda’s Pie in the Sky. One of the parties I was at last night had some pie from Wanda’s (coconut cream!), which was an excellent way to kick off 2009.

3. Musicals
I’m not ashamed.

4. Wearing other people’s clothes
Obviously, lounging around in your boyfriend’s sweater is one of the best parts of being in a relationship, but I also find there’s something very sweet and intimate about borrowing an outfit (or part of an outfit) from a friend. Last night, a friend of mine loaned me this great silver scarf with which to accessorize my new year’s eve outfit (which otherwise consisted of a sparkly green tube top and silver shiny pants).

5. Waking up at 4:30 a.m., looking at the clock, and realizing you can go back to sleep for 3 hours.
I also like the Beatles, kittens, and chocolate chip cookies. I AM THE MOST UNIQUE.

6. New socks
I wear out socks pretty quickly…or maybe I don’t – I can’t actually tell. I don’t know what the average lifespan of a pair of socks is supposed to be. In any case, I usually need new socks, and I got a whole bunch of great socks for Hannukah. Thanks, Mom!

6 things that make me happy by brookalviano


Ok, I decided to this thanks to the lovely Lolaberry Clementine   (and you can check out what makes her happy) spread the love.

6 things that make me happy;

Discovery Channel Commercial – I will stop everything I am doing and watch this, and I am learning the lyrics. It brings me too much joy.

Fabric Stores – My friends have witnessed this; its like a kid in Toys’R’Us, a nerd in a comic book shop, a boozer at a wine tasting. I am everywhere, touching, rubbing, oohing, aahing, wishing I had funding. $75/yard cashmere? I’m rolling in it like a puppy. And stores that actually give you a swatch? Priceless.



ANTM audition epsiodes – every season. I sometimes put these on for background noise when I’m sewing, I find them so entertaining, I’ll watch every season except that season 1 & 2 DIDN’T SHOW THEM!!! They hadn’t figured out that this was the BEST part of the show. Girls from all over who were either 1) so damn cocky about themselves and thought they were the shizzle. or 2) the quirky weird ones who have no idea why they are there. Can you guess which ones I enjoy more?

country girl who had it going on!!!

Kahlen - country girl who had the poses AND the walk

Heather - the "weird girl" that was possibly one of the best to photograph

Heather - the "weird girl" that was possibly one of the best to photograph

Lauren - Zombie freak, "punk", Sarah Polley's cousin - and drop-dead freakin gorgeous

Lauren - Zombie freak, "punk", Sarah Polley lookalike and drop-dead freakin gorgeous

 Spooning – I love being the little spoon or the big spoon. In the winter spooning is key to survival. Find someone you love and trust and spoon ’til April!



Chocolate covered cherries – Darling, you present these to me at, any day, any time  – I will giggle like a school girl, and then drown myself in them.

I'm licking this computer screen right now....

I'm licking this computer screen right now....

Figuring out my New Years outfit 2 days ahead of time – This brings me so much joy, and the fact that I MADE it, makes the party so much better. Want a pic? Nope, not yet – the sequined hood is not finished yet…you heard me.

New Years of the past - I turn on the rock star - watch out world!

New Years of the past - I turn on the rock star - watch out world!

And so now that that’s done, I tag the following:





Toronto Street Fashion

cause you’re all fab


Re-Mixing Me Up by Alison
October 30, 2008, 7:46 pm
Filed under: Want Want Want | Tags: , , , , ,

Given my professed love for all things Art Deco, no one will be surprised to learn that I squealed with glee when I opened my e-mail just now to find the latest Trove newsletter announcing that the store will now be stocking Re-Mix vintage shoes (at right: The Savoy, my personal favourite if any of you are looking to buy me a really expensive Christmas present). A good friend of mine owns a pair (she’s lucky her feet are a good 3 sizes smaller than mine), and they are even more gorgeous in real life. Might be time for a visit to Trove to play dress-up…

Objets Prisés: The Hat by Alison
October 28, 2008, 12:41 am
Filed under: Objets prisés | Tags: , , ,

The latest addition to my hatrack, I fell for this delicious chocolate brown number on a recent trip into Trove. I was on the market for a new fall chapeau, and this happened to be precisely the shade I had in mind: the scalloped rim and the simple but sweet embroidery sealed the deal, and it’s definitely made the sight of this month’s falling thermometer easier.