Skirts and Giggles

Bootmergency! by Alison
December 9, 2008, 2:52 am
Filed under: What I Wore | Tags: , , , ,

Horror of horrors, the zipper on my trusty walking boots – the boots that walked me across Europe four years ago and have survived a mending to serve my poor feet for a good three years longer than the makers probably intended – broke! This afternoon, less than 24 hours before I get on a plane to the city where I need them the most: New York. What’s a girl to do?

If that girl is me, she takes it as a sign from the fashion gods that she should probably buy that stunning pair of dove grey-and-black calf-highs with the perfect round buttons curving stylishly up the side that has been earning longing glances in the window of Trove. (But first she almost drives herself to the brink of despair at the emporium of Hell itself, Winners, where the only thing she finds is a headache.)

It's hard to take a picture of your own feet.

Fortunately, constant fashion saviour Trove had stock in my size and indulgent staff who patiently held my hand while I debated the merits of brown vs. grey and fretted aloud whether these boots would get me all over Manhattan without instilling a desire to self-amputate (I was a very needy customer today; I even texted Brook about my colour quandary). Those Trove girls deserve a big Christmas bonus.

Snoflake to the East of me, Trove to the West by Alison
November 18, 2008, 7:45 pm
Filed under: Very Good Advice | Tags: , , , ,

Here I am, stuck in the middle without time to shop! Thursday will be a busy night for clotheshorses, who will need to gallop across the city to snatch up all the discounted duds!

In the east end, Nathalie-Roze & Co is holding a Snoflake/Dagg & Stacey Autumn Trunk Sale: Save 20% off Snoflake and Dagg & Stacey‘s 2008 fall collections, plus deeper discounts on older stuff. It sounds pretty tempting, especially once you take a look at the ’70s Ivy League-inspired collection. And Snoflake’s stuff is always lovely: I bought a grey wool wraparound skirt from them at The Clothing Show last year that never fails to garner compliments. Other exciting reasons to haul your cookies out to the east end include a raffle and goodie bags for the first 15 people through the door.

Meanwhile, in the west end, the much gushed over Trove is opening up its sparkling new store in Bloor West Village with cocktails and a rumoured 20% off everything in the store…

Unfortunately, theatre tickets mean I probably won’t be able to make it to either, but maybe you will. By the way, I could really use a snazzy new pair of boots. My feet are a size 10. Just saying.

Re-Mixing Me Up by Alison
October 30, 2008, 7:46 pm
Filed under: Want Want Want | Tags: , , , , ,

Given my professed love for all things Art Deco, no one will be surprised to learn that I squealed with glee when I opened my e-mail just now to find the latest Trove newsletter announcing that the store will now be stocking Re-Mix vintage shoes (at right: The Savoy, my personal favourite if any of you are looking to buy me a really expensive Christmas present). A good friend of mine owns a pair (she’s lucky her feet are a good 3 sizes smaller than mine), and they are even more gorgeous in real life. Might be time for a visit to Trove to play dress-up…